Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jan13 - Burma/Ridge

Got off to a late start leaving P10 around 1:30.  I headed up Burma.  It had been given the "thumbs up" on the website but I think that is being generous.  No tracks had been set and I don't recommend it with good skis.  There is plenty of debris-some of the sticks will not give if you hit them.  Be careful of the sawdust in some of the faster sections.  The trail needs a few more passes with the groomer just to pack the snow down some more and hopefully this will help with the sticks and twigs.  A lot of progress has been made on this trail and the hard work clearing away many, many trees is greatly appreciated.

Ridge is getting rough with more debris showing up.  The section between Champlain and #24 is pretty good with some soft spots that poles are sinking in to.  The parkways are ok all things considered.  Fortunately the thaw will be over in a few hours and with some grooming things can be brought back quickly to their former glory.

1 comment:

  1. Must have just missed you, left from Camp Fortune at about the same time. Soft conditions, but firm and fast in the middle, up 14 to Ridge over to the downhill on 24. Trid a bit of Burma but found it too soft for for my liking. Ridge all the way to Penguin covered with twigs and saw dust. The parkway even though cleaner was chopper and slower than the trails. Before I called it quits, I did a quick loop of the race course. There had been a race earlier in the day, so they had done a good job cleaning up the course a lot less debris. Over all I was surprised and happy to get a decent ski in, despite the warm temperatures and the earlier heavy rain.
